Oct. 10th: Artoberfest!

Published by bgreendrinks on

This October, join us for our best Artober event yet! The University of Maine Museum of Art will be hosting us in their gorgeous lobby or statue garden if this unseasonably warm September weather continues. UMMA’s four exhibits which will be open for viewing, just leave your beer in the lobby. On top of the museum’s art, the Home Brewers of Greater Bangor will be there to share their own home brewed craft. They’ll be serving up the six winning beers from their Oktoberfest, so brace yourself for some liquid creativity.

As always, Greendrinks is a free family-friendly event, so bring the kiddos! There is a suggested $5 donation, and we ask that you bring your own drinking vessel. If you forget, we’ll have compostable cups available for $1, and custom glassware for $5. Proceeds from the event go toward helping Bangor Greendrinks provide grants to fund worthy projects that help make Bangor greener. See you there!

The Bangor Greendrinks Familia